Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Planning Committee

Meeting to be held on Monday 17 July 2023


Annual Service Report 2022-23

Appendix 1 refers


Contact for further information – Steve Healey, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

Tel: 01772 866801


Executive Summary

The Annual Service Report is produced annually by the Service as part of our accountability to measure progress against the items that we set out to deliver as part of our Annual Service Plan. These actions are derived from our medium-term strategic goals highlighted in our Community Risk Management Plan.


The Annual Service Report 2022-23 seeks to provide an overview of our progress against the areas of work detailed in the Annual Service Plan 2022-23. The report highlights a number of key deliverables against our priority areas of people, prevention, protection, response, and value for money related work streams



For the Planning Committee to note and endorse the Annual Service Report.




As part of our corporate planning function, we ensure that each year we inform our staff and members of our communities about what we aim to deliver through the production of an Annual Service Plan (ASP).


We then report on progress against each ASP with an Annual Service Report. The attached report details progress against the priorities set out in the Annual Service Plan 2022-23. It also includes key performance data and details of significant incidents across the county during the year.


The report will be published internally and externally both in print and online to highlight the Service’s achievements over the period.


Business risk

If not produced, we are not able to demonstrate what we have delivered against the priorities we set for the Service in our Annual Service Plan and Community Risk Management Plan.


Sustainability or Environmental Impact



Equality and Diversity Implications

The final product will be designed to accessibility principles and made available online in an accessible version. There will also be an accompanying video with subtitles and audio description.


Data Protection (GDPR)



HR implications



Financial implications

The report is produced in-house by the corporate communications team and print costs are funded from the departmental budget.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers





Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/a